Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Buffalo Shuffle + St. Patty's Festivities

{The Falls}

Two weekends ago, I headed up north to Buffalo, New York for work. It was cold-cold-cold and snowy, which was not what my soul was needing. (My soul needs SUNSHINE, friends! And lots of it.) However, because my last two trips to Canada were such a bust in terms of exploration, I decided that despite the chilly temps and my lingering sinus infection, I would brave the cold and drive up to Niagara Falls. Let me mention that while I was not properly dressed for the freezing snow/sleet/mist coming off of the water, I will say it was a pretty spectacular sight.

{So...funny story. I had no idea where I was going or what Niagra would really look like. I just followed other cars into the National Park, then parked, then started walking. And it may have just been the Dayquill talkin', but I kept seeing mini waterfalls and I would think to myself, "Is this it? Surely this isn't it..." and I would keep on walking. Finally, FINALLY, I saw a big group of people gathered in the distance, and so I figured, "that MUST be it." But these two pics here? I was snapping pics at every swirling maelstrom, just in case....}

{Getting closer....}


{Sooooo not dressed for that hike. Or the freezing spray coming off of the water. But aren't my new baby blue Nikes cute?}
Other Buffalo memories? The pharmacy I was at was located in a hospital, so I saw some pretty interesting characters throughout the course of my visit. I also got to eat my Subway sandwich opposite of a man in a hospital bed, complete with his IV and catheter, also eating a sandwich in the lobby-slash-hospital entryway-slash cafeteria seating. That was interesting. Also disgusting. And let’s see…I was also there for Daylight Saving Time, so I lost a full two hours after I arrived. If you know me, you know mornings aren’t really my thanng, so that was rough. Otherwise, Buffalo was pretty lowkey. I was so ready to get back in town and have some friend time.
Spring around KC is always a good time—between the Big 12 Tournament (which we shall not speak of, due to the poor showing of both Kansas teams) and St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, March turns out to be a pretty fun month. I will say, last week was a little tough, as I am used to a Spring Break (24 years…and now it’s gone), but I made the most of last Monday night by celebrating my Irish blood and having a few green beers. Actually, I had a lot of green beers…and Bailey’s shots (I know, I KNOW…who orders Bailey’s shots? My coworker Brad. At my dubious look, he replied “it’s St. Patrick’s Day,” like that makes it okay to shoot Bailey’s)…and Fireballs…oof. Let’s just say last Tuesday was a little slow.
{Friends! Complete with our Bailey's shots. Thanks, Bradley. Also, can everyone please note Ben's stylin' green sequined headband and beads? I told him, look sir, if you want to drink a beer with me on St. Patty's Day, you wear some green. So he took what I provided.}

{Some dude at Kelly's was wearing this saa-weet hat. So I stole it, and look who I found! Two little leprechauns!}

{Lotsa green, lotsa beer, lotsa friends. I love a holiday where really, all you do is drink and make merry. Cheers to my Irish clansmen!}

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